Israel-Palestine: When the Map Lies
But the problem is that this map has little to do with reality and completely misrepresents the recent history of Palestine-Israel.
The map's deceptiveness was already exposed several times on blogs and websites such as Roy Osherove,,, Jeffrey Goldberg in the Atlantic, Dvar Dea, and But old lies die hard, and so we have decided to present our own summary of the evolution of the map of the Middle East, based on the aforementioned sources.
Map 1 (1946): No State of Palestine but the British Mandate
So most of this land was not owned by either Jews or Arabs, but was under the political control of the British Empire and was vacant - especially the bottom half of the map which was mostly unpopulated desert.
The intent of this propaganda map is to suggest that an Arab country called "Palestine" existed in 1946 and was driven from existence by Jewish imperialists. In reality, most of this "Palestinian" land was "Palestinian" only in the sense that it was public land owned by the British mandatory government of "Palestine."
Not only was there no such country as "Palestine" in 1946, there has never been a country called Palestine. Before the British conquered Jerusalem, Palestine was a sub-province of the Ottoman Empire. (And after the British left, of course, Jordan and Egypt moved in to occupy Gaza and the West Bank.)
Map 2 (1947): The U.N. Partition Plan - never came into existence
The Jews accepted this partition of Palestine, and the Arabs rejected it. When Israel declared independence, the Arabs sought to eliminate the U.N.-supported Jewish state, but they failed.
So this map was only a theoretical solution proposed by the U.N. but it never came into existence on the ground because of the refusal of the Arabs to accept the existence of a Jewish State in what was formerly the British Mandate of Palestine.
Map 3 (1949-67): Jordanian West Bank, Egyptian Gaza
That map also falsely describes the Gaza Strip and West Bank and East Jerusalem as "Palestinian land," whereas in fact Jordan annexed the entire West Bank, and Gaza was held under Egyptian occupation.
The map also omits the fact that Arabs owned (and still own) private property in those white areas - in Israel, as does the Muslim Waqf and the Greek Orthodox Church.
Map 4 (2000): Omitting the key facts
- It is silent about several other wars launched against Israel by its Arab neighbors, most notably the Six-Day War in 1967 (Egypt, Jordan, Syria) and the Yom Kippur War in 1973 (Egypt, Syria).
- It omits the Israeli withdrawal from the territories gained in these wars, especially the entire Sinai peninsula.
- It omits the fact that it was Israel who gave land to the Palestinians, and not Egypt or Jordan who ruled the Gaza Strip and the West Bank prior to 1967.
- It omits the facts that more land was offered by Israel in exchange for peace in 2000 and the Palestinian leadership rejected it completely.
- It omits the murderous violence launched against Israeli citizens after that rejection.
- It omits the Israeli disengagement from Gaza in 2005, surrendering it entirely to Palestinian control, and the subsequent rise of the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas.
- It omits the Qassam rockets attacks on Israeli population centers in the south of Israel, Prime Minister Olmert’s offer to PA President Abu Mazen in 2008 of more land, and Abu Mazen rejection of that offer.
In closing, we would like to propose a more accurate map (produced by StandWithUs) for those interested in a more objective view of the evolution of the Middle East (click here for the full-sized pdf map):
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