Facebook today 14/10/2014
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Suing Facebook - Disconnecting Terror
Sign up here now: http:// We need you, in full force -- The sequence of horrific terror attacks in the last weeks are receiving a warm reception on Facebook. This is not just racist video clips and anti-Semitic cartoons supporting terror. This is hundreds and thousands of Facebook pages of young Palestinians, who inflame their friends to embark on terror attacks, provocative videos glorifying and encouraging terrorist attacks, instructions for terrorists “How to Carry out a Terrorist Attack," "martyr" announcements and countless support messages for those who carry out terror attacks. -- Shocking examples are the terrorist who carried out the combined vehicular stabbing attack on Tuesday announcing his intent to carry out attacks on Facebook just hours before the murders. Similarly, Mohannad Halabi announced on his Facebook page that the Third Intifada had commenced before he went out to stab to death Aharon Benita and Rabbi Nehemia Lavi in the Old City. The examples are many and painful - and everything is listed, published and documented on Facebook. Without limitation. Facebook has responsibility for human life. It chooses to ignore it. It has the power to monitor and remove the inciting profiles and pages - but chooses not to do so. We at Shurat HaDin have to decide to put an end to the terror that is running rampant on social media networks - and we also need you. -- Join us for the lawsuit that we will conduct against Facebook in the United States: It is our intention to obtain an injunction against Facebook to remove all inciting pages - a Court order directing Facebook to monitor these methods of incitement and block them and to place the responsibility on Facebook for this rampant terrorism on its network. We ask you, each and every one of you, to join the lawsuit against Facebook. There is a vast significance to a claim by thousands and each and everyone of you is important. Joining is with no obligation and without any possibility of harm to you. Join by clicking on the link to the registration form: http:// -- We will continue to update about our progress against the company here and in the media. Please share and join: http:// -- Shurat HaDin Fighting Terror - Doing Justice |
GENEVA, October 16, 2015 – At least ten different UN staffers are using the imprimatur of their official positions to incite Palestinian stabbing and shooting attacks against Israeli Jews, with one calling on Facebook to “stab Zionist dogs,” according to a new report issued today by UN Watch, the Geneva-based non-governmental organization that is accredited by the United Nations with the mandate to monitor the world body’s compliance with its charter.
UN Watch submitted the report today to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UNRWA chief Pierre Krähenbühl, and U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power, whose government’s $400 million annual grant makes it the largest funder of UNRWA.
“The UN and top funders of UNRWA such as the United States government must act immediately to terminate employees who are inciting murderous anti-Semitism and fueling the deadly pandemic of Palestinian attacks against Israeli Jews that have claimed innocent men, women and children, aged 13 to 78,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch.
“Despite UNRWA’s promise, in the wake of our previous report, to take action and dismiss UNRWA perpetrators of incitement, there has been no accountability whatsoever,” said Neuer. “On the contrary, UNRWA’s main response has been to try and intimidate UN Watch.”
“We call once again on Ban Ki-moon and UNRWA to immediately terminate their employees who incite to murder. Moreover, we call for the establishment of an independent commission of inquiry, to include representatives of the U.S., the EU (gave $139 million), the UK ($95 million), and other top UNRWA funders, to investigate the culture of impunity for perpetrators of racism and incitement that pervades UNRWA.”
“UNRWA’s strategy of impunity, denial and deflection only enables more incitement and violence. It’s time to put an end to the pattern and practice of UNRWA school principals, teachers and staff members posting antisemitic and terror-inciting images, indicating a pathology of racism and violence within UNRWA that must be rooted out — and not buried, as UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness has attempted to do by calling for boycotts of newspapers or NGOs that dare to report these incidents of hate,” said Neuer.
“We’re urging the UN to finally recognize that these despicable posts, published on Facebook accounts run by people who openly identify themselves as UNRWA officials, constitute a gross violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which prohibits incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence,” said Neuer.
Report on UNRWA Teachers
and Other OfficialsInciting Violence & Antisemitism
UN Watch Report
October 16, 2015
October 16, 2015
Hani Al Ramahi, who identifies himself on Facebook as a “Projects Support Assistant at UNRWA” (screenshothere), posted the violent image below last Thursday, on October 8th, in which a keffiyeh-clad man stares down the camera as he grasps a knife, bearing the Palestinian colors, daubed in blood. “Stab Zionist dogs,“reads the caption.
Ibrahim Ali, who lives in Hebron and identifies himself as an UNRWA employee on his Facebook page(screenshot here), posted this video on his timeline on October 6th (screen captures below), which glorifies a gruesome series of terrorist attacks, including shootings and stabbings, of Israeli Jews.
Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Ibrahim Ali for using the name of UNRWA on an account that promotes violence and terrorism.
Hiba Miari, identifying herself on her Facebook page as an UNRWA teacher (screenshot above), celebrated the recent Palestinian stabbing attacks against Israeli Jews with a cartoon that she posted online on October 11th. A masked Palestinian is shown playing music on a violin made of a giant knife — the kind used for stabbing. The picture was deleted after it was first exposed by the blogger Elder of Ziyon, though UNRWA has never condemned the incitement or announced any punitive action.
Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Hiba Miari for using the name of UNRWA on an account that glorifies and romanticizes violent acts of terrorism.
Um Karam, who identifies himself on his Facebook page as a teacher at UNRWA (screenshot above), posted the infamous video of mosque sermon in which Sheikh Abu Rajab pulled out a knife and, with violent stabbing motions, exhorted Palestinians to murder Jews in the name of Islam.
Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Um Karam for using the name of UNRWA on an account that promotes murder and terrorism.
Souhaib Fayyad, who identified on Facebook as part of UNRWA, celebrated the stabbing of Israeli Jews by turning his Facebook profie picture, on October 12th, into an image of a dagger, morphed out of the Facebook “Like” icon. UN Watch captured the image below before it was removed. Fayyad’s actions were documented by the blogger Elder of Ziyon, and his UNRWA-linked Facebook page has since been deactivated. UNRWA has never condemned its employee’s incitement or announced any punitive measures.
Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Souhaib Fayyad for using the name of UNRWA on an account that promotes and condones murderous acts of terrorism.
Mahmoud Abu Zakari, identified on his Facebook page as an UNRWA social worker, celebrated the stabbing of Israeli Jews on October 11th, by turning his profile picture into an image of a hooded youngster clutching a large knife, ready to strike (below).
Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Mahmoud Abu Zakari for using the name of UNRWA on an account that promotes and condones acts of violence and terrorism.
Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Maen Dajani for using the name of UNRWA on an account that excuses violence and terrorism.
Saleh Mohsen, identifying himself on his Facebook page as an UNRWA employee, celebrated the outbreak of Palestinian stabbing attacks against Israelis by calling, on October 4th, for a “West Bank Intifada”:
On October 9th, this UN employee shared a post on his timeliine calling for a “Third Intifada” (see three hashtags below) and then, on the same day, turned his profile picture into the violent image of a masked stone-thrower (see below), as first exposed by the blogger Elder of Ziyon.
Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Saleh Mohsen for using the name of UNRWA on an account that promotes violence and terrorism.
Mohammed Assaf, UNRWA’s “Youth Ambassador” and most famous personality — an “Arab Idol” winner who is a key fundraiser and face of the organization, appointed by UNRWA’s Commissioner-General — has been using his UN imprimatur to glorify violence throughout his Facebook timeline. In the image above, Assaf glorifies three Palestinian youths who attacked Israeli Jews as holy “martyrs” (Shahid).
Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Mohammed Assaf for using the name of UNRWA on an account that promotes violence and terrorism.
Abu Wadih Duheir, identifying himself on his Facebook page as a teacher at UNRWA, shared a video on October 15th celebrating acts of terror and exhorting people to violence with the hashtag “#Intifada“. Still images from the video:
Mr. Duheir’s photos of his UNRWA school activities:
Recommendation: UNRWA should fire Abu Wadih Duheir for using the name of UNRWA on an account that condones violence and terrorism.
UPDATED: Nitsana Darshan-Leitner responded to a request from PJ Media asking her about lawsuit against Facebook. She provided the following comment:
“Thousands of Israelis being terrorized by Palestinian violence are demanding that Facebook actively block the incitement it has been permitting on its pages. It’s time for social media to start being socially responsible. Facebook is fanning the flames of the current Palestinian intifada and its refusal to monitor and block the incitement to violence is an outrageous abandonment of its obligations to the public. To rely on decades old statutes from the early days of the web is morally and legally reprehensible and we are going to court to try and put a stop to it. Jews in Israelis feel like Zuckerberg and Sandberg are stabbing them in the back.”
The newest tools in the deadly arsenal of terrorism are social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
Traditionally, terrorism recruiting and propaganda were dependent on the discretion and publication by print journalists and news sources in far away places. But with the internet and social media, terrorist propaganda reaches millions and millions of people instantly, allowing terrorists to grow their ranks and encourage deadly attacks merely by hitting the “post” button.
One group is fighting back against a company it claims allows terrorists to use their outlets to spread hate and encourage violence against Israelis. Reports Algemeiner: ”10,000 Israelis had signed a petition, launched by Shurat HaDin-The Israel Law Center, indicating their desire to join a class-action suit against Facebook for acting as an accomplice to terror.”
Shurat HaDin, an NGO whose mission is combating terrorism through “lawfare,” took up the case, following multiple complaints lodged by concerned users about the proliferation of pages in Arabic that call for the killing of Jews. Since Facebook’s response has been blasé at best, with claims that content is monitored for adherence to certain “community standards,” and utterly ineffectual, since pages such as “Stab Israelis” have not been removed, Israel Law Center founder Nitsana Darshan-Leitner decided to take the social media giant to court.
The fight against terrorism has gone beyond tracking down the money of and financial support for terrorist groups.
“Something else is causing these young people to get up, grab knives and actually stab Israelis. And that ‘something’ is incitement. This is nothing new in the Palestinian Authority or in Gaza,” Darshan-Leitner said. “But, typically, it has been disseminated through sermons in mosques, teachings in schools, speeches in public squares and on TV. Today, it is being spread like wildfire through social media networks.”
And while antisemitism is not new, “what we are seeing today is a phenomenon with a different feel to it – with kids not only sharing their intention to become martyrs for Allah, and encouraging one another to do the same, but immediately acting on it.”
Darshan-Leitner says Facebook doesn’t remove the offending posts even when they are notified by users. “All you have to do is open Facebook right now. And you will be able to see that nothing whatsoever has been done.”
Shurat HaDin is trying another approach by turning to the American court system to address the problem. “We thought that fighting it requires minimizing the incitement. And this is why we are trying to get an injunction against Facebook to shut down those kind of pages and monitor the site to prevent other ones from appearing.” said Darshan-Leitner.
How can Facebook stop the appearance of posts that encourage hateful and deadly acts against Israelis and Jews?
“It is ridiculous to say that Facebook cannot monitor these things. Notice its millions of algorithms that know exactly what you like to wear and eat, who your friends are, what music you’re interested in, etc. How else do ads aimed specifically at you mysteriously appear in your feed and on the side of the page? If it’s got algorithms for consumer purposes, it can have algorithms for other purposes, as well.”
The class action lawsuit will be filed Monday in San Francisco.
Will Twitter be next?
Fighting terrorism on all fronts, thousands of Israelis have joined a class-action lawsuit against Facebook for serving as a platform for Palestinian incitement to terrorism and hatred.
Some 20,000 Israelis have joined a class-action lawsuit against Facebook, charging that the social media platform is ignoring posts that include Palestinian incitement and calls to murder Jews.
“While everyone understands the need to keep the web free, Facebook’s decision to allow this flood of terrorist incitement and calls to murder Jews to continue has crossed all red lines,” the Shurat Hadin Law Center, a Israel-based human rights group, which is spearheading this venture, announced.
“Facebook is fanning the flames of the current Palestinian intifada and its refusals to actively monitor and block the incitement to violence is an outrageous abandonment of its obligations to the public,” the human rights group added.
The civil complaint that was filed by Shurat Hadin on Sunday in New York and contains a 76-page list of plaintiffs, seeks an injunction to require Facebook to block all racist incitement and calls for violence against Jews in Israel, but no damages.
The site of a terror attack in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood of Jerusalem. (Yonatan Sindel/FLASH90)
The lead plaintiff was Israeli-American Richard Lakin, 76, who was shot in the head and stabbed multiple times while riding a bus in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood in Jerusalem on October 13 when Palestinian terrorists from Jerusalem, armed with guns and knives, carried out an attack. Lakin died Tuesday morning from his injuries. Two other passengers died during the attack.
The plaintiffs “have been living in the crosshairs of a murderous terrorist rampage carried out by killers who attack people with knives, axes, screwdrivers, cars and Molotov cocktails for no reason other than that the attacker perceives the victims to be Jewish,” the complaint stated.
“Many of these murderers were motivated to commit their heinous crimes by incitement to murder they read on Facebook – demagogues and leaders exhorting their followers to ‘slaughter the Jews,’ and offering instruction as to the best manner to do so, including even anatomical charts showing the best places to stab a human being.”
The law suit adds that Facebook is “far from a neutral or passive social media platform” and has sophisticated tools to contend with hateful content published on its site.
The phenomenon of Palestinians using social media for the spread of hatred is not new, but has significantly increased in the past weeks in tandem with the wave of Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis.
In another instance, Israelis complained to Facebook about a page calling for the stabbing of Israelis and demanded it be removed. Facebook declined to do so until it came under heavy public pressure, after which it obliged.
Some 20,000 Israelis have sued Internet giant Facebook in New York alleging the social media platform is disregarding incitement and calls to murder Jews being posted by Palestinians, Shurat Hadin said on Monday.
The civil complaint filed late on Sunday but announced only on Monday, seeks an injunction to require Facebook to block all racist incitement and calls for violence against Jews in Israel, but no damages.
A 76-page list of plaintiffs contend that “Facebook’s refusal to remove the flood of extremist videos, statements and cartoons being posted by Palestinians is encouraging imminent violence and fanning the flames of the terrorist attacks that have overwhelmed Israel in the past month.”
The lead plaintiff, Israeli-American Richard Lakin, 76, was shot in the head and stabbed multiple times as a passenger on a Jerusalem bus on October 13 when Palestinian terrorists from East Jerusalem, armed with guns and knives, carried out an attack.
Two Israelis were killed in the attack and Lakin remains in critical condition in a Jerusalem hospital.
The civil complaint filed late on Sunday but announced only on Monday, seeks an injunction to require Facebook to block all racist incitement and calls for violence against Jews in Israel, but no damages.
A 76-page list of plaintiffs contend that “Facebook’s refusal to remove the flood of extremist videos, statements and cartoons being posted by Palestinians is encouraging imminent violence and fanning the flames of the terrorist attacks that have overwhelmed Israel in the past month.”
The lead plaintiff, Israeli-American Richard Lakin, 76, was shot in the head and stabbed multiple times as a passenger on a Jerusalem bus on October 13 when Palestinian terrorists from East Jerusalem, armed with guns and knives, carried out an attack.
Two Israelis were killed in the attack and Lakin remains in critical condition in a Jerusalem hospital.
The plaintiffs include people who haven’t been the victim of any attacks, but who say that incitement through Facebook endangers all of them.
They allege that social media, particularly postings by Palestinians on Facebook, “is spurring on the terrorist attacks against Israelis in the past month.”
The complaint says the plaintiffs “have been living in the crosshairs of a murderous terrorist rampage carried out by killers who attack people with knives, axes, screwdrivers, cars and Molotov cocktails for no reason other than that the attacker perceives the victims to be Jewish.”
In a wave of violence this past month, 10 Israelis have been killed in shooting and knifing attacks, and more than 50 Palestinians, more than half of them assailants, have been killed as well.
“Many of these murderers were motivated to commit their heinous crimes by incitement to murder they read on Facebook – demagogues and leaders exhorting their followers to ‘slaughter the Jews,’ and offering instruction as to the best manner to do so, including even “anatomical charts showing the best places to stab a human being.”
The lawsuit filed by attorneys Robert Tolchin of New York, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, director of the non-profit Shurat HaDin legal organization and Asher Perlin of Florida, claims that Facebook has a legal and moral obligation to monitor and restrict racist incitement and calls to violence against Jews.
It acknowledges that Facebook has taken some steps such as implementing rules concerning content it will prohibit, and that it has taken down some extreme calls for murder but only after Israelis complained.
The plaintiffs argue that Facebook is “far from a neutral or passive social media platform and cannot claim it is a mere bulletin board for other parties’ postings.”
They note that Facebook “utilizes sophisticated algorithms to serve personalized ads, monitor users’ activities and connect them to potential friends” and claims it “has the ability to monitor and block postings by extremists and terrorists urging violence just as it restricts pornography.”
The complaint seeks to overturn past precedent protecting Internet service companies from liability for third party postings, claiming that the way Facebook operates, intentionally or not, it is functionally actively involved in users’ pages.
“While everyone understands the need to keep the web free, Facebook’s decision to allow this flood of terrorist incitement and calls to murder Jews to continue has crossed all red lines,” Darshan-Leitner said.
“Facebook is fanning the flames of the current Palestinian intifada and its refusals to actively monitor and block the incitement to violence is an outrageous abandonment of its obligations to the public.”
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